How to Prepare Early for your Career Whilst You’re in University
How to Prepare Early for your Career Whilst You're in University

Starting university can be an overwhelming experience. There’s so much to learn, so many relationships to build, and so much opportunity. But if you are not studying a vocational course like dentistry, medicine, pharmacy etc., should you be thinking about your career in your first year? The answer is a resounding yes! Even if you don’t know what kind of career you want to pursue, there are still things you can do during your first year at university that will set you up for success down the line. Let’s look at some of the ways you can start preparing early for a successful career.

Take Advantage of Resources on Campus

Most universities have several resources available both online and on-campus that can help students prepare for their future careers. For example, many universities offer internships, job fairs, CV clinics, and even mock interviews. All of these services provide invaluable insight into what it takes to get hired and succeed in the professional world. Taking advantage of these resources is one of the best ways to start preparing for a successful career while still in school.

Network with Professionals

Networking can be intimidating at first but it’s essential when it comes to landing a job after graduation. Your professors are great resources as they have likely built extensive networks over the years from which you can benefit greatly. Attend lectures or conferences related to your field, join professional organisations and attend their events, and make sure to follow up with people who may have connections in the science industry after meeting them—all of this will help build your network and give you a leg up when it comes time to apply for jobs or internships after graduation.  

Build Your Skillset                                                             

If there are certain skills that will help advance your career, now is the perfect time to start building them! Take classes or workshops in specific skills if those skills are required for the type of job you want; join clubs or volunteer organisations if acquiring soft skills like communication, leadership, or problem-solving is important; find part-time jobs that allow you to gain hands-on experience in an area related to the field you’re interested in pursuing; all these activities will help round out your skillset and make you more competitive when applying for jobs after graduation.

Concluding Thoughts

Your first year in university doesn’t just involve hitting the books—it’s also an excellent opportunity to start laying down the foundations for a successful career later on down the line. Take full advantage of all the resources available on campus (internships, job fairs, CV clinics) as well as networking opportunities with professionals inside and outside of university settings (lectures & conferences). Finally, work hard on building up your skillset by taking relevant classes & workshops and finding part-time jobs within related fields where possible – all this will help immensely once it’s time to apply for jobs after graduation! With proper planning & preparation during your first year in university, success is just around the corner!

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