The Secret to Receiving More Invitations to Interview

The average job search currently is said to take around 5 months. That can seem like a very long time if you’re not seeing any results for your efforts. Getting more invitations to interview can help you stay motivated. There are other benefits too. You can expand your network and learn more about your industry. Plus, each interview gives you an opportunity to practice for the crucial time when you’ll get the job offer you want.

Are you tired of sending out applications without hearing anything back? Learn how to increase your chances of being called in for an interview.

Polishing Your Application:

  1. Focus on quality. It’s usually more effective to target your efforts towards the opportunities that match your qualifications and goals most closely. Be clear about your purpose. Customise each cover letter.
  2. Demonstrate your value. Show potential employers how you can contribute to their team. Format your CV in a way that highlights your accomplishments and quantifies them if possible. Research companies, so you can discuss their unique needs.
  3. Proofread carefully. Details count. You’ll look more professional if you avoid typos and misspellings. Try online editing tools like Grammarly and ask someone else to double-check your materials.
  4. Consult a recruiter. Take advantage of professional expertise. Ask a recruiter to give you feedback on your strengths as a candidate and how to present them. They may also suggest additional resources and help you find unadvertised openings.
  5. Use keywords in your CV and application. Your materials may have to pass an initial screening by an applicant tracking system. Study the job description for what language to use.
  6. Act quickly. Moving your CV onto the interview pile sometimes comes down to timing. If companies receive a high volume of qualified applications, they may suspend the process. Completing your submission as soon as possible may give you an advantage.

Following Up:

  1. State your intentions. End your cover letter by letting the company know that you’ll contact them to learn more about the position and request an interview. You’ll seem confident and you’ll be able to show them that you carry through on a project.
  2. Make the call. If possible, address your cover letter to a specific individual, so you’ll be able to phone them directly. In some cases, you might need to send an email instead.
  3. Be proactive. You might also want to call before you submit an application. If the hiring manager is willing to speak with you, you can make yourself stand out and gather more information.
  4. Use your network. Be sure to check your contacts to see if you know anyone connected to the company who can give you a referral. Ask them for the specific help you need or let them suggest what they’re able to do. They might make a call or forward your application themselves.
  5. Log your activities. What if you’re juggling so many openings that it’s difficult to keep track? Use an app or a simple spreadsheet to remind you when you need to take the next step.
  6. Practice restraint. Respect the company’s wishes if they ask applicants not to call. Otherwise, be considerate of their time and be enthusiastic without going overboard.

Job hunting for a long time can strain your finances and your self-esteem, especially if you’re unemployed. Going on more interviews could shorten your timeline and help you make a more positive impression on your next employer.

So, where are you on your job search journey? Have you had any interviews? Did you get the job? If not, what did you learn from them?

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